Travel Sacred Malta: Mystical Island in the Sun

Travel Sacred Malta: Mystical Island in the Sun

I invite you to join me on a mystical journey to Malta and Sicily. Malta is a mystical island which holds the Goddess Energies/Vibrations from the Pleiades and the Light Consciousness from the Great Central Sun. The temples of Malta hold the energies of the Great Mother, with information about our human memory, as well as the secrets of Atlantis.

Malta has an abundance of limestone which has the capacity to store and emit life-force energy. The limestone which the Malta temples are constructed from is calcite with crystalline property, and therefore emits vibrational frequencies like color, toning, and music, and can transmit information.

The awakening of Malta by the Atlantians was spearheaded by Asu-ara, together with his consort and Queen Ash-tat-ta-ra. Over time, Asu-ara was also known as Atlas, Apollo, Ra, Osiris, Mithras and Enoch. The mission of Asu-ara and Ash-tar-ta-ra was to re-anchor Cosmic Consciousness and Divine Light on the planet.

So now we are being asked once again to embrace the second coming which is taking place within each of us and to firmly anchor the Feminine Principle/the Divine Feminine/the Christ Consciousness on our planet as we awaken to the crystalline energies of our world. This is an island with deep connections to the Goddess and Mary Magdalene.

Sicily is a mystical land with its sacred connection to the Goddess, Black Madonnas and the Christ Consciousness awakening us through the ancient wisdom stored in these sites and awakening us as we experience the energies of the now…

Ggantija Megalithic Temple Complex

Explore the temple of Ħaġar Qim (ha-jah-een), the Mother Goddess of
Stone Circles; a temple of Oneness where you truly feel one with the
cosmic energies. Located on a hilltop overlooking the islet of Filfla,
it is the best-preserved ancient limestone temple in all of Malta.

Visit Mnajdra, the first prehistoric observatory on earth. This ancient megalithic temple complex is made of coralline limestone and holds the energy of the inner spirit. The energies of feminine and masculine inside this ancient sacred site are perfectly balanced within.

Experience the world-famous and very ancient underground “dreaming” temple called the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum. The Hypogeru (underground cavity) carved from solid rock is a unique temple, symbolizing the entrance into the womb of time.

Visit Sicily, the crossroads of ancient and modern civilizations, honoring the Divine Feminine for 3,000 years. Marvel at architecture with Arab, Norman and European roots as you experience magnificent vistas atop sacred mountains, extraordinary temples, Black Madonnas, churches, and more.

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