Offering John of God Crystal Healing Bed sessions for two days. If you would like a session with the Crystal Bed and want an amazing experience, book a Crystal Bed session.
For information, or to arrange an appointment, call Unity.
For information about the wonders of the Crystal Bed call Finbarr – 877 756 8763.
Cost: Donation
Location: Unity of Surprise, 14495 W R H Johnson Blvd, Sun City West, AZ 85375
Telephone: 623-214-3884
The Art of Spiritual Travel
PowerPoint presentation and talk
Sacred travel is a mystical experience for each person who undertakes such a journey. It open us up to looking within; it creates an awakening that connect us with our higher self. As we experience each sacred site, we connect with its matrix, the ancient energy and the energy of the now, which leads us to a new level of consciousness and our ascension process.
Sacred travel is a mystical experience that asks each person to be open to the mystery which is held within each site. It allows us to partake in a spiritual intensive which changes the lives of all who partake.
During this lecture, we will take a look at how sacred travel changes lives and consciousness.
Cost: Donation to The Theosophical Society gratefully accepted. Pre-registration not required.
Time: 7:00pm
Location: The Shrine of Holy Wisdom, 5025 S. Ash Ave., Tempe, AZ 85282
Awakening to Wisdom Consciousness
As we continue the journey of ascension, we are asked to look at life with new eyes as we awaken to the 13 steps that each person needs to go through before 2025, along with the 13 inter-dimentional planetary steps. As we walk the path of Love/wisdom – the pathway of the heart – we open ourselves up to a new level of awareness. We will look at how opening ourselves up to the ancient wisdom teachings enhances our life and the world about us.
Cost: Donation to the Wednesday Group gratefully accepted. Pre-registration not required.
Time: 10:00am
Location: Unitarian Universalist Church, 17540 Ave of the Arts, Surprise, AZ 85378
The Shift, Consciousness and Ascension in 2017!
In this workshop we will look at our life and see its beauty. As we each prepare for the major energetic shifts which will take place in our lives in 2017, we seek the wisdom, the tools that help us embrace these shifts and understand the reason behind the chaos as we quest the pathway of the heart. Ascension is a spiritual process which we are each going through, and it involves ascension in consciousness. We feel the inter-dimentional spiritual steps as the crystalline grid opens more widely, flooding us with awareness of ascension of consciousness, not only for humanity, but also for our planet.
We look at the shift that took place at Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and how that is still affecting us today. It allowed us to enter a new time as the electromagnetic grid of the planet changed; this was completed in 2012. We are now looking at a new day, a new world where everything is shifting, and if it does not serve humanity it will be dissolved, transformed or transmuted, whether it be government, politics, business or abuse of our planet. In this new time we look at the beautiful gifts the Divine Mother is showering upon us in this the Aquarian Age and the Avatars of Light who are working with us on all levels helping us to see the beautiful temples of light that we are, as we open ourselves to wisdom consciousness consciousness.
Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm
Location: Unity of Surprise, 14495 W R H Johnson Blvd, Sun City West, AZ 85375
Cost: $44.00
Divine Feminine Emotional Healing sessions are sessions where we network the body to get in touch with the memory cells and release any emotional blocks, traumas or fears.
If you desire a personal healing session with Finbarr, in person or remotely, please contact him to make an appointment.
Cost: $88.00
Since Winter Solstice 2012, Humanity has been going through the Big Shift as the new crystalline energies have uplifted humanity and our planet to walk through the 13 steps, or gateways, that humanity has to walk through, with the final step being Winter Solstice 2023 taking us into our phase of evolution as spiritual beings having a spiritual experience in a human body.
In this workshop, we will talk about the Big Shift of 2012, the realignment of the crystalline grids that came about, how it is effecting our lives, and what role the 7 Rays and The Golden Flame of Illumination are playing in our lives.
This is a time of major shift in our lives, and that of the planet, as everything is vibrationally shifting now. As this upshift accelerates, everything that is not in a similar vibration is being exposed. We see this every day in the world as all the negativity is surfacing. Things are not getting worse on the planet, as some may think, but the negativity which has always been there, is now finally being fully revealed.
To organize a workshop or retreat in your area, please contact us for more information.
On this sacred path, honor yourself as you learn techniques to help become present in the now. Explore the different ways speech and actions disempower you and those around you. Improve personal communications to empower yourself and others.
Learn to tune in and listen to what your body is telling you. Each pain speaks to you by its location and intensity. Track the pain to find its root cause – emotions like fear, anger, hurt or simply not feeling safe.
Explore the divine feminine during this weekend workshop. As a group, we create a sacred space, an opening for love, forgiveness and release. Through guided meditations, rituals and emotional healing, we build the mystical marriage of heart and mind. As each of us learns to accept who I am, we reconnect with our Oneness and awaken our awareness to universal consciousness for the benefit of ourselves, our families, our friendships and humanity.
Mary Network Healing is a technique that results in emotional, physical, mental and spiritual healing. It calls upon the power of the divine feminine to extract unresolved pools of emotions and unproductive thought forms. These blocks were created by a person’s inability to deal with these emotional traumas at the time they occurred. These blocks often obstruct the flow of energy through the body and result in physical, mental and emotional pain.
The Mary Network healing techniques allow the practitioner to release blocked energy that has been held in the client’s body. The practitioner guides the client to release the trauma held in the body’s memory cells. Then the practitioner helps the client rejuvenate these memory cells, filling this void with golden-white light. Thus healing takes place within the physical body.
Summary Of The Technique
The practitioner says an opening prayer, creating intent for the healing. Then he or she makes or visualizes the sacred symbol just above the client’s head. Next, the practitioner scans the client’s body including eyes, throat, heart, liver/gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, sacral center and all surgical sites. If the client is currently experiencing pain, the practitioner follows the pain in all areas of the body. The emotional trauma is released and the memory cells of the body are rejuvenated.
Often the body holds memories of situations and circumstances too painful to face at the time they occurred, such as abuse, fear, anger, denial, self-esteem, self- worth, grief, heartaches, difficult relationships, old hurts and the inability to forgive. The object is to let go of past deep-seated emotions and to bring the body into balance. Mary Network Healing sends light to soothe and release the energies in the areas of the body that tend to hold these emotional traumas. In Mary Network Healing, the practitioner acts as a channel and facilitator for healing.
There are six procedures used by the practitioner:
Forgiveness is the pathway to healing, empowerment and freedom. Finbarr leads you on an inward journey to find out what is unforgivable about yourself. With this wisdom, he empowers you with techniques that allow you to release old patterns and blocks that have kept you trapped. Once you forgive yourself, you can easily forgive others and experience the newly found awareness and joy.
The symbol of the Aquarian Age is a chalice. The chalice is each one of us and can be empty, full or stages in between. The empty chalice is pregnant with possibilities, alive in the now, unattached to outcomes. When empty, the chalice can be filled by the divine and we receive perfect balance and harmony through the mystical marriage of the heart and mind. We embrace both our masculine and feminine selves, God – Christ, Goddess – Sophia. Through guided meditation, personal exploration, rituals and emotional healing, we accept the chalice of the Aquarian Age. We become open vessels to awakened awareness not only for ourselves but for our family, friendships and all of humanity.
Does prayer heal? Only if you are willing to take responsibility for your requests. With acceptance, prayer is a powerful healer. Finbarr helps us understand the vibrational changes that occur within us as we come to accept our gifts. As we learn how to pray responsibly and accept our gifts, we become graceful receivers.
The great Goddess embodied the land of the pre-Christian Celtic world. The Celts understood everything moves in a spiral, a continuous cycle of birth, death and rebirth. The Druids, priests and priestesses of the Celtic people, taught unity. They did not separate the visible from the invisible, time from eternity, the human from the divine. In a slide presentation, Finbarr will take us on a journey through the sacred power sites, each with their own vibrational matrix. As we connect with these sites and energies, the essence of Goddess Brigid of the Flame, Earth Mother Goddess, Maeve, and the Goddess Aine touch us.