Seeking Joy + Meditation Golden Flame of Illumination Thursday, May 11th - 7:00 PM MST

Seeking Joy + Meditation Golden Flame of Illumination Thursday, May 11th - 7:00 PM MST

We have just had the Wesak Festival, a time of great devotion, which allows a new plan to unfold. I invite you to allow a new plan to unfold for yourself. I also invite you to walk in a state of divine devotion, not just any devotion, but a divine devotion to the loving thinking mind which allows the awareness of love to soften you into being a kinder gentler person at peace with yourself which then allows joy to unfold and be present. Love softens all situations whether it be fear or anxiety. With this softening then joy can emanate out from within. Joy comes from within and happiness comes from the world around us.

Let’s take a deeper look at devotion. When we are devoted to something, consciously or unconsciously, it begins to unfold for us because we are in the flow. We begin to create and manifest the joy we have been seeking and desiring. To continuously live in joy, to heal, and to consciously manifest, we need to engage the whole of us, which is all of us that exist beyond the parts you are comfortable and familiar with. Who we think we are is only a tiny part of who we actually are.

I invite you to embrace life with love, gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness allowing freedom and truth to flow in all aspects of your life and watch the magic happen. I look forward to being with you on Friday, May 11th as we join with our global spiritual community, creating a stable energy field emanating from The Village at Montrose out into the world, a place of peace, divine inspiration, and empowerment opening us up to the beauty of who we are as we walk the pathway of the heart.

Blessings, love, and light,


Seeking Joy + Meditation Golden Flame of Illumination 

Thursday, May 11th - 7:00 PM MST