Taurus/Wesak Festival Full Moon Meditation

Taurus/Wesak Festival Full Moon Meditation

Key Note: “I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”

Taurus-Wesak: Highlight of the Spiritual Year.
Inner Group Work at Wesak
Building upon the Seed Planted in Aries
Taurus, Sound and The Invocation of the Omega Point
Taurus, Music and Art
Shamballa, Taurus and Destruction
The Externalization of the Hierarchy in 2025 – At the Wesak Festival, Buddha and his co-creator, the Christ, come together to step down the available spiritual energy to the Masters and to the human family to aid in its goal of enlightenment.

Wesak: Highlight of the Spiritual Year

Every year there is an emphasis upon the importance of the first three spiritual festivals: Aries, Taurus and Gemini – because of the extraordinary opportunity afforded to all those who are awakened conscious servers of The Plan. The opportunity at any full moon festival is to link and work subjectively in meditation with other co-workers and groups around the planet. This can take place over five days – 2 days before/after full moon day, but for most participants, the 24-hour period before and after the time is the most potent period to make a contribution.

Buddha represents wisdom, just as Christ represents love. These two major wayshowers have served the East and the West, bringing ideas of enlightenment and Christ-Consciousness to humanity. Christ-Consciousness is a blending of the energies of heart and mind–or love-wisdom, as it is sometimes called.

We need to grasp that the Wesak festival happens currently. Spiritual teachings say this event actually occurs in the Wesak Valley in the Himalayas annually at the Taurus Full Moon….

This festival binds past, present, East and West, orthodox and unorthodox, love and wisdom for the preparation of humanity in the golden age of harmony.

When the Buddha appears, he blesses the water–charging it and all present with spiritual force that they too may find their way to enlightenment.

Buddha passes the energy of wisdom, his blessings to humanity. Christ receives the energy in the name of humanity and in turn distributes it to all present. Think of this as the Christ issuing wisdom and love to the Mystical Christ within each human attuned to the event.

Listen to Taurus/Wesak Festival Full Moon Meditation audio archive