Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness + Meditation, March 23rd

Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness + Meditation, March 23rd

With the mass bombardment of cultural influences that both condemn and condone conflict, it it hard to know the difference between darkness and light.

2022 is revealing to all who “have ears to hear and eyes to see” that: The Truth of God is Love. Love shows the way to eternal life through kindness, forgiveness, gratitude, healing, patience, clear guidance, and joyful service.

To quote ‘A Course In Miracles’, “Nothing Real Can Be Threatened. Nothing Unreal Exists. Herein Lies The Peace of God.” This statement offers us a tool for sharpening our discernment. By objectifying The REAL LIGHT collectively, we assist ourselves and others to BE and LIVE God’s Love.

For ages, the simplicity of our child like awareness has been shrouded and mystified, confounded and adulterated. Now, the veils have been removed and the secret societies that call “right wrong and wrong right” are standing on center stage for all to see. Monetized, politicized, sexualized, and militarized directives and mandates are literally UNREAL, and do not exist in God’s Kingdom.

Join Kimah, who is filling in for Finbarr due to inadequate internet connections in Egypt, as we employ practices of prayer, contemplation, conscious breathing, and meditation to fully align with unadulterated LIGHT. Together we will plant ourselves firmly in truth, standing balanced and at ease in God’s Peace. 

Love + Light 

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Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness + Meditation, March 23rd

Listen to an audio recording of this telecall with Finbarr Ross from March 23, 2022: