Irritation – Forgiveness – Love + Meditation

Irritation – Forgiveness – Love + Meditation

Irritation the destructive fire –  Irritation – Forgiveness – Love + Meditation

As we look at irritation we realize we cannot free our self from irritation without uprooting prejudice.

Irritation creates intolerance. We are not happy campers.
Let us walk the pathway of the heart and heal this imperil through loving understanding.

Through awareness and understanding we realize that true happiness is the result of health and accepting responsibility for it with a positive, emotionally clear, and loving heart.

Forgiveness offers us the opportunity to vibrate a new frequency with a new bandwidth.

Forgiveness is about making room for miracles.

Forgiveness is not ordinary and is always radical and heroic when we walk deeply into our heart, we see that our life flows in attunement with our divine presence which allows us to shift in consciousness.

Love, a universal solvent, is the greatest and most powerful generator of change in our world.

Everything dissolves into love.

Opening of the heart allows miracles to happen in our life. All we need to do is reach within and touch it.

Love transcends everything physical.

Love is the spiritual bonfire of the heart.

As we quest this evening we will awaken to the enormity of our power.

I look forward to sharing with you on Wednesday.

Blessings, love and light,



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Irritation – Forgiveness – Love + Golden Flame of Illumination Meditation, February 24th