Bridging – Aspects of Life + Meditation – Golden Flame of Illumination, January 19th

Bridging – Aspects of Life + Meditation – Golden Flame of Illumination, January 19th

We are each that great being of light we are revealing!

Life, like we were programmed to believe is not so about seeking, it’s about revealing. What is here for us to reveal is pocketed away in the darkness within, which is the space where we come into contact with the rest of who we are. Just like the word education revealing there are two different Latin roots of the English word “education.” They are “educare,” which means to train or to mold, and “educere,” meaning to reveal, draw or lead out. Our mission is about drawing out revealing from within our conscious knowing and our awareness. Bridging – Aspects of Life + Meditation – Golden Flame of Illumination, January 19th

As we step forward into the wholeness of our being we no longer hold those worlds of light and dark as separate from each other. When we steward our own creativity, we draw out and reveal hidden aspects, aspect of us that are beyond the logical, thinking mind, through which we allow the miraculous to happen with every breath, every step, we take.

As we walk this pathway of life of educare we recognize that we can not do it wrong, we can only take longer to consciously reveal to draw out the aspects of the Essential Self. As we learn to trust the Self, as we reveal and draw out we begin to step into our creative essence and live as we are intended to live – as Creator. “I am That I am”

This is our time to shine. It is our moment to come forth as the golden light of illumination that we are and weave it into the great tapestry that is our life.

I look forward to seeing you Wednesday, January 19th as you join with our spiritual community, The Village at Montrose, a place of inspiration and empowerment opening us up to the beauty of who we are as we walk the pathway of the heart.

Blessings, love and light,


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Bridging – Aspects of Life + Meditation – Golden Flame of Illumination, January 19th

Listen to an audio recording of this telecall with Finbarr Ross from January 19, 2022: