I am the Immaculate Conception + Meditation, December 8th

I am the Immaculate Conception + Meditation, December 8th

I am the Immaculate Conception – Remember the Mother Principle, the Feminine Principle of life is about our rising up in consciousness as we remember “Who We Are”.

Right now we are in a time of history repeating itself, a void, a new moon, a solar eclipse  all bringing us transformational experiences.

We are now looking to free ourselves and speak our truth. A time of right human relationship and accepting personal responsibility and living through awakened consciousness and form, and I am the Immaculate Conception.

In this time of awareness/ awakening it is for each of us to understand that Desire works from and through the material form upwards and Will works downwards into form, opening form consciously to divine purpose. The one is invocative and the other is evocative, the desire of the Divine Mother is that we invoke and evoke because all is within.

It is our Will – aroused by invocation – which we must be focussed in the Golden Flame/Light of the Soul and dedicated to establishing right human relations; we must use Spiritual Love (the pathway of the heart) to destroy all which is hindering the free flow of human life and freedom through manipulation and deceit. 

In 2022 we are consciously Awakening to Balance and the opening of the 11th of the 13 Gateways for humanity and our planet at the Sphinx in Egypt at Spring Equinox an opening of the next level on Inter-Dimensional consciousness.
I am the Immaculate Conception.

We aware of the opening of the 13th and final Gateway in 2024 with the awareness that we are in a race to the “finish line” 2025 – Now we have a battle taking place in earnest between the forces of light and darkness. We have a date 2025 for the great reset proposed by globalists for having their plans of control to be in place  – but correspondingly, we have, we are, the forces of light, of awakened consciousness as the energy of the 7 Rays and that  of the golden flame (Fire is an aspect of Divine Nature – the fiery will of God)  work to awaken humanity and bring all the forces of light into a single beacon of light covering our planet, culminating with the one hundred year conclave in 2025 of the Masters of Wisdom and the Council of Shamballa .

So let us embrace the shift in consciousness and transformation that is taking place within each of us at this time as we embrace our soulful Self.

I look forward to seeing  you Wednesday, December 8th as you join with our spiritual community, The Village at Montrose, a place of inspiration and empowerment  opening us up to the beauty of who we are as we walk the pathway of the heart.

Just a little information about Montrose is it resides in the area of the heart chakra of the united States, the San Juan mountains.

Blessings, love and light,


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I am the Immaculate Conception + Meditation, December 8th

Listen to an audio recording of this telecall with Finbarr Ross from December 8, 2021: