Full Moon Meditation from Malta

Full Moon Meditation from Malta

Keynote: “I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”

Gemini is the third of the new year’s three major festivals – Aries, Taurus, Gemini. The new impulse generated in Aries takes root in earthy Taurus at the Wesak Festival and is subsequently distributed in the sign of Gemini.

Dear Finbarr,
This full moon meditation will be coming to you from Malta and the ancient temples of the Goddess.

As we experience the full moon energies at this time of the Festival of Humanity we are asked to look within ourselves and to embrace our Oneness knowing that we are all one.

We are asked in this year of awakening to clarity to be aware of who we are and the steps needed in our lives to help us cross the threshold to being fully awakened and aware.

Esoteric meaning of this full moon:
“When the energy of this sign is infused with love (Venus) it stimulates the will-to-good within the disciple. He/She begins to see the underlying unity within all form. Love is the synthesizing energy that unites the pairs of opposites within the self (Gemini is the sign of the Twins). Her knowledge is now transmuted into spiritual insights and she begins to see a higher vision, to be more inclusive in her perceptions. The disciple has learned to ‘think in the heart.’ Her mind has become tender and gentle and the disciple can now express her sensitivity. Love has become a meaningful force in the life and the disciple strives to see the Divine at work in all expressions and
Excerpt from the book, FULL MOON MAGIC, by Karen Johanssen.

Thank you for all that you do as you quest each day bringing so much, love, light and understanding to the world.

Blessings, love and peace,


Listen to Full Moon Meditation from Malta audio archive