Full Moon Golden Flame Meditation Wednesday, December 11th

Full Moon Golden Flame Meditation Wednesday, December 11th

Join us on this Golden Flame of Illumination meditation for an amazing adventure in boldness: choosing an unknown destination, and embarking on a soul quest.

This is the final full moon of 2019 and the year’s energy of Awakening to Strength, as we ascend through the 13 Gateways of Awakened Consciousness. This year at Autumn Equinox on Mount Carmel in Israel, we opened the 8th Inter-Dimentional Gateway. On spring equinox (March 20th, 2020) we will open the 9th Inter-Dimentional Gateway on the banks of the Ganges River in Varanasi, India.

2020 is about Awakening to Group Consciousness. You are invited to join us on this mystical journey of Awakening. 2020 will not be a year to be complacent, nor will the years leading up to the 13th step on winter solstice, 2023, paving the way for 2024 – the culminating year of 2024, awakening us to the new era of 2025. As we move through each next step/gateway, each year will exact from all of us every ounce of strength to make a stand, focusing on the light of the Golden Flame of Illumination wherever we find ourselves.

Democracy is under attack by the elite; honor is in short supply as the powers that be focus on materialism and not on serving the people. Greed, lies, fake news, false flag situations, and dishonesty lead the way. So, in 2020, the year of Awakening to Group Consciousness, we must reclaim and hold onto the light – that Golden Flame of Illumination which resides within each heart.

Nationalism is unloving that which we see as we look around the world today, as our so-called “politicians” allow corporations and bullies to spread fear to impose their will onto others in the name of so-called “democracy”. It is a selfish, unloving act which does not come from the heart. We are people of the heart, people of the Golden Flame of Illumination, the Temple of Divine Love which resides within our heart temple. “Seize the day!”

Sagittarius is a sign of orientation and reorientation – the word “orient” meaning the direction of east. In ancient wisdom teachings, and in the teachings of the Druids, East is the place of the rising sun and our rising sign in a horoscope, therefore orientation and reorientation as we are birthed each day is about aligning more accurately with soul journey or purpose.

In Sagittarius, the archer shoots the arrow into the heart of the sun, thereby connecting us to the sun behind the sun so that we can communicate and rest in the arms of the Divine Mother. Our soul’s journey is about its return to Source, having accumulated experience and walked through the school of hard knocks bringing us wisdom, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and awareness, awakening us to initiations and healing.

Sagittarius, like the two other fire signs Leo and Aries, is a sign of adventure of boldness – choosing an unknown destination and embarking on a quest – to see where the arrow flies. Sagittarius is the journey, the partway leading to the road trip – the most enthusiastic emotionally of the fire signs.

So as we enter the final days of 2019, let us go within and release all that we no longer require, preparing ourselves for the new journey that awaits us at winter solstice and the Awakening to Group Consciousness for the year of 2020.

I look forward to seeing you on the 11th as we meditate and quest together in a spirit of divine love.

Blessings, love and light,

December Full Moon Meditation

Join Finbarr Ross for a Full Moon Golden Flame Meditation and a discussion on the esoteric qualities of Sagittarius and the energies of the final full moon of 2019.

Wednesday, December 11th, 2019

9:00pm Eastern
8:00pm Central
7:00pm Mountain
6:00pm Pacific
2:00am UK

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