Finbarr’s Musings on The Sacred Egypt Journey!

Finbarr’s Musings on The Sacred Egypt Journey!

Awakening to Balance as we embrace revelation and self care.

I am pondering this sacred journey before me and my fellow travelers, in this the year of Awakening to Balance and the opening of the 11th Inter Dimensional Gateway on March 21st Spring Equinox.

As I pondered what am I going to say, I realized to find balance especially in this sacred land, the birthplace of consciousness, that each of us need to embrace the revelations that are happening each day energetically and otherwise as the old paradigm falls away and the new dispensation is birthed in this Aquarian Age which we are now in.

Those of you who have traveled with me before know that I always state that it is our intention to weave a tapestry of group consciousness, as we embody our true magnificence. As creators we now live in an abundant reality where everything and everyone serves us. A world where we view our challenges as being there to polish our greatest attributes. On this journey we are doing precisely that as we weave, knowing that this time we are also weaving in compassionate action and forgiveness for ourselves.

In this energy of the now, balance and the energies of revelation are asking us to embrace the action of compassion and forgiveness which has to begin with each of us each soulful being. It is asking us to remember that we are responsible for the world as it is right now. This has come about through our own internal thoughts, vibrations and actions. We are each responsible for our own truth, for loving our self along with having gratitude, forgiveness and compassion for our self. Each day as we weave we create, we create a consciousness shift using the power of love, intent and focus as we birth a new self and ergo a new humanity. We are the divine weavers of the sacred journey of life, weaving a tapestry of divine love and with each sacred thread we create a beautiful tapestry which is the fabric of our future.

All of this is asking us to honor the sacred relationship with our self and the world about us and of course Mother Earth. We are now being guided into the Aquarian Age which through its energy, frequency and vibration which is breaking up the old patterns, the way of life as we transform through the weaving of this tapestry.

As you are aware this is the year of Awakening to Balance, a time, a year in which we are experiencing revelations where truth, justice, freedom, compassion, consciousness plus a loving presence reign supreme in today’s world as the new dispensation takes hold and the old paradigm fights with us all for survival as it falls away. As we move forward from now expect lots of turbulence over the next two months. On our sacred journey, we as a group will experience and embrace some special shifts that will take place as we cruise the Nile, especially on the March16th.

Also a major shift in consciousness especially the 5 days around Spring Equinox as we open the 11th Inter Dimensional Gateway with a private visit to the Kings chamber, the Queens chamber and the Sphinx along with a sacred ceremony at the Paws of the Sphinx (The Living Image) and with the wisdom energy emitting from the Great Pyramid and the energy of The Three Fold Golden Flame with this ceremony we will bring forth new forms, new ways of doing things with a new paradigm/dispensation which we are being guided into in this sacred place the birthplace of consciousness all of this of course is being orchestrated by Mother Mary, The Masters, Inter Dimensional Beings of Light and Multi Dimensional beings of Light.

This is a time of reclaiming who we are – reclaiming and embracing our fractured parts as well as our shadow – the lost parts – as we remember that we are spiritual beings having a spiritual experience in a human environment which is allowing us to embrace our soulful Self.

We are in a time of the true emergence of balance – of Unified consciousness – of Christ consciousness – of Divine Feminine consciousness. We are coming to understand that everything is about a right relationship with ourselves – it is about the balancing Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine so that we can bring ourselves into balance. Now as we walk the Pathway of the Heart we are aware of the consequences on ourselves and on others – are we in a right relationship with ourselves – are we empowered or are we subordinating our decisions our rights to some other person or entity. In other words giving our power away to someone else and allowing them to make decisions for us. Remember all of this reverberates around the world through our thoughts, energy, frequency and vibration.

Right now issues are coming to the surface for us to embrace, heal and transform. We are being asked right now at this Spring Equinox a time of the year which is in perfect balance of day and night to create a space for awareness, healing and transformation. A space for healing and transformation and allowing balance – awareness- fairness – understanding – freedom and revelation to be in our lives as we embrace the world as we realign our energy, frequency and vibration this realigning the energy of our world.
Change comes from within.

All changes come from within ourselves our planet and our community in which we live. We are the change agents, we are the future and we shape the future!

In 1244 The Cathars left a Prophecy.

They left this prophecy: that the Church of Love would be proclaimed in 1986.
Harmonic Convergence happened in August 1987.

Here is the ending of the Prophecy.

It recognizes the supremacy of the great idea which may only be accomplished if the human race practices the supremacy of Love.

It has no reward to offer either here or in the hereafter save that of the ineffable joy of being and loving. Each shall seek to advance the cause of understanding, doing good by stealth and teaching only by example.
They shall heal their neighbor, their community and our Planet.

They shall know no fear and feel no shame and their witness shall prevail over all odds. It has no secret, no arcanum, no initiation save that of true understanding of the power of Love and that, if we want it to be so, the world will change but only if we change ourselves first.

And so it is! If we want the world to change it begins with each of us. 

Blessings, love and light, 
