August Full Moon Meditation

August Full Moon Meditation

Leo is ruled by Sirius. Fiery Leo is the 5th zodiac sign, the number of manas or mind or mind being which we are, and the 5th ray of science-knowledge is transmitted through it. Venus is the ruler of the fifth ray – her interpretation in exoteric astrology as the goddess of love, beauty, sex and relationships – filters down from its jurisdiction upon the mental plane, where the pairs of opposites are harmonized and the creativity of the higher mind is activated.

Sirius is the “higher self” to this solar system, just as Venus is the alter-ego to Earth. The Sun is the ruler of Leo on three levels. At the soul level, the sun “veils” Neptune, the heart of the Sun. Neptune represents intuition, emotional sensitivity and the mystic-visionary. Sirius is known as the “brilliant star of sensitivity”, a theme shared with Leo: Sirius transmits energy from the cosmic mental plane, yet its expression is Love-Wisdom that emanates from the heart of the lion.

It is about “binding back” to Divine Source.

See you on the 15th and remember to remember who you are.

Blessings, love and light,


August Full Moon Meditation with the Golden Flame of Illumination


Join Finbarr Ross for a Full Moon Meditation with the Golden Flame of Illumination and an astrological interpretation of the energies and spiritual significance of the August full moon.

Thursday, August 15th, 2019

9:00pm Eastern
8:00pm Central
7:00pm Mountain
6:00pm Pacific
2:00am UK

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