2024 Sacred France tour

Travel Sacred France: In the footsteps of Mary Magdalene

Sacred France Chartres Cathedral

Travel Sacred France: Journey with us on an empowering, inspirational spiritual adventure which includes the sacred mystical sites of France – a timeless wonder which feeds our souls as we walk in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene, as we quest and embrace the Black Madonnas, Knights Templars, Cathars; as we’re inspired by the mystical and healing powers of Lourdes and its water! The historically significant and magnificent Chartres and of course, Paris in all its splendor.

Audio Invitation
Finbarr Ross Founder of Sacred Mystical Journeys

"FINBARR ROSS is the author of Sacred Mystical Journey, A Life Journey from Tragedy to Triumph, a mystic, spiritual guide and facilitator of self realization. He accomplishes this by his powerful anchoring meditations with the three-fold Golden Flame; opening pathways of self discovery, honoring the Divine Feminine, Christ Consciousness, Mary Magdalene and other sacred beings. He performs rituals and ceremonies allowing for emotional healing and aiding in our ascension process.

On the SACRED MYSTICAL JOURNEYS to FRANCE Finbarr brings his gifts to these already gloriously sacred lands. He feels into and acknowledges the energies that exist; all specifically chosen for their energetic and vibrational significance. With his deep 'knowing' after years of his own self discovery and personal work, Finbarr weaves in sacred practices, rituals and wisdom going layers beneath, giving the pilgrim an experience 'off the beaten path' of the average tourist. He allows the experience to be both personal and collective; finding the places and spaces to step into mystical moments of true self discovery in the already sacred sites of Mary Magdalene. All the while enjoying gorgeous vistas, charming and elegant hotels, meals that Finbarr has personally curated overlooking the picturesque scenery. Perhaps savoring a glace sorbet while shopping in the fine local shops. One experiences the beauty of FRANCE while being guided into the 'hidden spiritual treasures' of the true seeker."

On this journey Finbarr is joined by Stephanie Phelps - Stephanie is an intuitive spiritual guide, shamanic energy practitioner, and sacred sites aficionado. She is a ceremonialist deeply connected to Earth wisdom and recognized for her passion and inspiration in bridging heaven and Earth.

Stephanie has traveled the world as a seeker and the teacher of many indigenous cultures, customs, and beliefs, including the Quero Pampamesayok Shaman Lineage of Andean Energy Medicine and North American Healing Arts. She has been initiated, trained, and blessed by tribal elders, shamans, and grandmother wisdom keepers. She continues to learn and share this knowledge, and these teachings. https://stephaniephelps.com/

On the sacred mystical journey, Finbarr and Stephanie will connect us with the mystical and deepen our connection as we weave a tapestry of the Divine Feminine and Unity Consciousness. They will guide us in ceremony, water ritual, meditation, and morning salutations. Discovering and embracing the balance of the divine feminine and divine masculine. As light workers we are empowering our future and celebrating all that we are becoming.

Stephanie Phelps

Stephanie Phelps

OUR LADY OF LOURDES 1 2024 02 01 114215 ojmx

We invite you to join us on this spiritual, inspirational and transformational journey of a lifetime to France. A land steeped in mysticism, lore and the tradition of Mary Magdalene, her places of initiation and healing, the astounding legends of the Holy Family, the Black Madonna, Saint Sarah, The Holy Grail and the Divine Mother’s pure energies.

A life changing experience in one of the world’s most sacred destinations. As we awaken to that ‘still inner voice’ we activate the energy of the Sacred Golden Flame that dwells within our hearts. On this journey we will take part in sacred ceremonies, initiations, sound healing, ritual, discussion and meditation which will serve to deepen our divine connection as we weave a tapestry of The Divine Feminine/ Unified Consciousness /Unity Consciousness. Embracing and celebrating our true selves.

On this Sacred Journey we are being asked to become aware of and to accept the many wonders of the miraculous and the mystical. On this adventure we will ‘receive’ the timeless wonder of being a pilgrim; more unique than the ordinary traveler. As pilgrims, we share an opportunity to experience the special journey of participating in group consciousness/Oneness. Pilgrims are humble, curious, open to unique people and events in this great land of enchantment. Allowing for the ‘journey off the beaten path’.

Journey through the sacred destinations of France on a mystical 13 or 15 day spiritual adventure. We begin in Nice and end in Toulouse. Or, perhaps joining our extension to Chartres and Paris through a land rich in tradition and the lore of Mary Magdalene with Finbarr Ross. Finbarr is the author of Sacred Mystical Journey – A Life Journey from Tragedy to Triumph. He is also a facilitator on Mary Magdalene and Grail legends, teacher of symbology, holder of the Golden Flame of Illumination; the shift into the New Dispensation.

Chartres Cathedral


Absorb the energies of this ancient European culture and its Celtic roots, where later Christian, Gnostic, Jewish, and Muslim traditions recognized the ‘Sacred Feminine Ethos’ with equal enthusiasm. Although we journey within the 21st Century, we will discover the threads of Universal Consciousness that predate Christianity still alive today that continue to enrich our lives. We will experience many wonderful power sites held sacred by those who have sought the Holy Grail, the presence of Mary Magdalene, Saint Sarah and Black Madonnas including: Rennes-le Château, Grotte de Baume, Maries de La Mer, Arles, Carcassonne, Montségur, Minerve, Lourdes, Rocamadour, the mystical Languedoc.

Visit Chartres Cathedral, which sits on an ancient druid site. In Paris proper; the churches of Mary Magdalene and San Sulpice, for a 15-day spiritual journey to some of the world’s most sought after destinations where one may have ‘never before’ openings.

Sacred Destinations of France Tour Itinerary:

We begin this Sacred Journey as we depart AC Marriott, 59 Promenade des Anglais 0600 Nice at 10.00am We journey to St. Baume where we will feel its essence and experience a deep connection in the chapel with Mary Magdalene and the frescoes within.

We will experience the Grotte de la St Baume. Be prepared for a forty minute ascent to arrive at this mystical cave with all its transformational energy and sacred water. This is where The Magdalene is said to have performed water initiations, to have lived out the last years of her life and to have written her memoirs. Feel the mystery of this special mountain which continues to be sacred to Isis and has been considered holy ground for thousands of years. The natural water that accumulates here is believed to have miraculous healing powers. Here we will participate in a Magdalene Water Initiation.

On the 22nd we will overnight in our four star Mercure Hotel near St.Baume or similar. On the afternoon of the 23rd we will depart St. Baume mid afternoon for Arles where we will overnight in our hotel for 2 nights. (BD)

This morning we experience a walk around Arles, which contains magnificent monuments and the remains of the highly developed Roman Empire. These were contemporaneous with the Grail family's arrival in this region, approximately 2,000 years ago. We will visit St. Trophimus Church with all its mystery and the Church of Mary Magdalene, starting points of the journey to St. James in Compostela. There was also a major Templar stronghold here and the ruins of the Commandere still stand.

Noon departure for Saintes Maries de La Mer and Saint Sarah. Here we celebrate the spirit of the great woman who was a spiritual pioneer and healer.

Saintes Maries de la Mer is a Mediterranean fishing village. Legend has it that the Three Marys arrived on the shores of southern France here; In a 'boat with no oars' from Palestine. The holy entourage of Mary Magdalene, her sister Martha and their brother Lazarus; Mary Jacobi, Mary Salome, St. Maximin and St. Sarah.

We will visit the basilica associated with the mystery of the arrival of the Grail Family from Palestine with its sweet water holy well and meet the most beautiful and powerful 'Black Madonna', revered by the Gypsies of Europe as St. Sarah.

We will savor the beauty in this magical village of Saintes Maries de la Mer. Set in the dramatic Camargue amidst herds of wild white horses, black bulls, and flocks of pink flamingos, we will enjoy a delicious picnic lunch on the beach. Perhaps we’ll refresh ourselves by taking a dip in the majestic Mediterranean. Ceremony and meditation held later on the sand, and more.

When we connect with Saint Sarah. We will also meet Mary Jacobi and Mary Salome, two astonishing women who traveled with Mary Magdalene.

We will return to our hotel in Arles where we will overnight. Group dinner in Saintes Maries de la Mer. (BD)

Early morning departure  for Carcassonne. We spend the day exploring the Old City of Carcassonne, a unique example of a fortified medieval city, known for its Cathar beliefs and history. In ancient times, Carcassonne was a major commercial and ceremonial center for the Druids and the Phoenicians. We will visit the Basilica of Saint Nazaire with its powerful vibrational energy and deep connection to Mother Mary, Saint Rock and Mary Magdalene.  We will be awe-inspired by the sculptures of Mary and Anna and other sculptures showing the filtering of the sacred energy streams of consciousness.

Overnight in Carcassonne- Group dinner. (B. D)

We travel to Montségur, the eternal symbol of Catharism and The Way of Love, Cather Seminary and citadel of their last resistance. In May 1243, in order to appease the pope, the King of France instigated a ten-month blockade of Montségur. A fifteen-day truce was negotiated in March 1244. At the end of which the Cathars had to choose to renounce their faith, or perish at the stake. 220 Cathars chose death on the pyre. Montségur; truly a sacred mountain, a place of inspiration, learning, balance and unity consciousness for the Cathars.

After lunch we return to our hotel – Group dinner. (BD)

Today we journey to a very beautiful Black Madonna and Healing Well in Limoux; In Limoux we experience ancient wisdom in all its glory as we enter into and embrace a world of mysticism.

In the afternoon we enjoy Rennes le Chateau, a place of mystery and the former Visigoth capital of the region, visited by treasure seekers. We will visit the famous encoded church of Abbe Sauniere's Villa Bethania. We will experience this church enriching our ‘quest’; a magical place of transformation along with it being a doorway to other dimensions. Later we visit the museum, gardens and the environs of Magdala. We absorb the atmosphere of this ancient mystical place with its hidden mysteries depicted in symbolism found within.

We visit the Arques, Mount Bugarach, The Goddess Chair and The Source. Here we experience ceremony and meditation allowing us to ‘journey within’ as we embrace the energies of Awakened Consciousness.  We weave a tapestry bringing together the energies of the Essenes, the Goddess and the Divine Feminine activating a deep shift of awareness within our true selves.

Today we journey to Minerve; one of the most important sites of the Cathar people who were the followers of Mary Magdalene and teachers of The Way of Love. Minerve, a beautiful place of love, became the site of tragic persecution. Miraculously, this beautiful place retains the energy and power of Compassion – holding the very essence of the way the Cathars lived, rather than dwelling upon the way they died. Here we walk together to the gorge where, on July 22, 1210, on the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene, 140 Cathars were executed for their belief in The Way of Love. Even in recent times, many have had transformational experiences here in this sacred place. It is an intentionally powerful first day of experience; an immersion into the energies and essences of this land and its people. We will come face to face with the Cathar’s survival energy in this astonishing town with its many inspiring places. The Hurepel Museum being one. On our journey back to Carcassonne, we will stop in Aigne, a tiny, one thousand year old “snail village” which was built in the shape of the spiral. We will visit a significant church and a jewel of an art gallery.

In the late afternoon we depart for our hotel in Carcassonne - Group dinner. (B. D)

Morning departure to Lourdes, arriving just after noon. We immerse ourselves in the miraculous healing waters of the Lourdes. We have the opportunity to actually wash our hands and face in its waters and allow ourselves to be held in the arms of the Divine Mother. We will explore the Cathedrals and the crypt of Saint Bernadette. At 9.00 pm we will visit the mystical and transformational Grotto with its sacred healing water.

Overnight in Lourdes in our four star hotel-Group dinner. (B. D)

Today at 10.00am we will depart Lourdes for Rocamadour!

Rocamadour  was a famous mecca for Medieval pilgrims coming to worship the Black Madonna.  The 12th  century basilica of St. Sauveur was built in the cliff face. At its entrance is a sword dangling from the rock.  The sacred crypt of St. Amadour, the hermit, holds powerful energy.  Taking the lift to the upper town one gets not only breathtaking views of the valley below and of the surrounding mountains, also of a most powerful Black Madonna reputed to have been carved by Saint Amadour Saint himself.  The buildings of Rocamadour rise in stages up the side of a cliff on the right bank of the Alzou, which here runs between rocky walls 400 ft. in height. Flights of steps ascend from the lower town to the churches; a group of massive buildings half-way up the cliff. Chief among them is the pilgrimage church of Notre Dame (rebuilt in its present configuration from 1479). In the upper village we will encounter the second powerful Black Madonna.

Tonight we overnight in Rocamadour-Group dinner. (BD)

Today we continue to enjoy Rocamadour with its magical Black Madonnas and its mystical places as well as personal time for shopping.

Overnight in Rocamadour-Group dinner. (B. D)

Early morning, we will travel to Toulouse. For those who are choosing to end their Sacred Journey here in Toulouse we will have some time to explore the beautiful Black Madonna before dinner. Overnight in Toulouse. The morning of the 4th transfer to Toulouse Airport for the flight home; grateful for all we’ve experienced. (B. D)

For those continuing to Chartres and Paris we will catch an afternoon flight to Orly airport and then transfer to Chartres. Overnight in our hotel in Chartres. We will share a group dinner in a local restaurant.  (B. D)

We depart our hotel early to fully experience the extraordinary Chartres Cathedral. Its history dates back to the 4th century and was erected during a time of religious peace brought about by the Emperor Constantine. Chartres is rich with mysterious sacred imagery and sacred geometry. It is said to be encoded with the ‘secrets of the universe’. It was established on a hilltop, where a sacred forest once stood. A well beneath the cathedral was holy to the Druids and is said to be a miraculous source of healing water. It is also said to house the tunic of the Blessed Mother, the Sancta Camisia, since 876 when it was given by Charlemagne after he received it as a gift from Jerusalem.

The Cathedral is one of mystery and majesty. It is a holy place of rare architectural beauty, with its 160 stained glass windows, crypt, labyrinth, and unique silhouette above the landscape. The standout feature at Chartres is the labyrinth, installed into the Cathedral floor in the year 1200. Finbarr will explain the history of the labyrinth and address the Path of Enlightenment that is opened to us via the 11-circuit Chartres labyrinth. Personal time to explore and ponder on our own.

Return to our hotel in Chartres-Group dinner in a local restaurant. (BD)

An early departure to Paris where our hotel is splendidly located to both the Louvre and the lovely River Seine. We explore the Church of Mary Magdalene. Then off to the Left Bank, to the historic Church of San Sulpice in search of "The Magdalene Line”, the Rose Line (Paris Meridian) and much more including clues to Mary Magdalene’s four children.

After we visit San Sulpice, saunter through The Louvre and explore the many other alluring spots in Paris.

This evening the tour ends with a farewell dinner in celebration for all we experienced on this Sacred Journey. Overnight in Paris. (B. D)

Today we depart for our home city or continue to explore Paris grateful for all we experienced on this Sacred Journey.

Tour Price Includes US Dollars
France Tour (Excluding Airfare) $5,444.00*
With Cash/Check Discount $5,350.00*
Single Supplement Rate $ 1466.00 (additional)
France Tour with Chartres/Paris ext (Excluding Airfare) $6155.00*
With Cash/Check Discount $5966.00*
Single Supplement Rate $1677.00 (additional)
Tips to drivers, guides, hotel and restaurant staff $200* person included in tour price for tips and
France all hotel accommodations (12 nights)
France/Paris ext hotel accommodations (14 nights) $235* for the Paris extension.
All entrance fees to sites
All ground transportation & domestic flights
Full breakfast and dinner each day as per itinerary


• International airfare
• Meals not mentioned above
• Extras at hotels
• Mineral water, tea, coffee, after meal beverages, personal expenses (i.e laundry, valet service, telephone calls, postage, etc.)

Hotels included in the tour price

Saint Baume - MERCURE Aix en Provence Sainte Victoire or similar

Arles - Hotel and Spa Jules Cesar or similar

Carcassonne: Hotel du Roi and Spa, Carcassonne or similar

Lourdes: Panorama Hotel. Lourdes or similar

Rocamadour: Hotel Esclargies or similar

Chartres: Mercure or similar

Paris: Paris Westminster Hotel or similar