I invite you to join me on a World Healing Meditation with the Three Fold Golden Flame.
As you all know meditation opens inter-dimensional doorways, increases vibration, radiates a frequency out into the universe as our awareness seeks the wisdom to save ourselves, and to allow the stream of consciousness to flow through.
As me meditate we walk through with divine grace in this transitional time anchoring the spark of the Divine, the Golden Flame of Illumination within our hearts. Our journey since Winter Solstice 2012 of Awakened consciousness is about bringing balance to our lives as we let go of fear and anxiety as we quest the pathway of the heart. The theme for 2020 is Awakening to Group Consciousness which brings us unified consciousness through the energy of the Divine Feminine. This, in fact, creates a tapestry of divine love as we step into the field of infinite possibilities we embrace the unified consciousness within ourselves as we delve within for answers.
We are presently experiencing a shift in consciousness where the old paradigm begins to fall away in earnest and the powers that be here on the physical do not know how to cope. Gone are the days of the old boy network as the energy of the new world servers take hold knowing that they and the soul are one. We are awakening to our humanity and our oneness. Our job is to breath, be still, let go of fear/anxiety as the energy of the new order takes place within each of us, and our planet.
I ask, as you quest each day feeding your soul, remember that you are on a spiritual journey knowing that you are a spiritual being having a spiritual experience in a physical dimension.
Please join us on this amazing journey of a world healing meditation as we are the building blocks of the new order within ourselves and our planet.
Remember we can change anything through, prayer, meditation, breath work, chanting and sound.
Blessings, love and light,
Listen to an audio recording of this telecall with Finbarr Ross from June 3rd, 2020: