The Way Forward – Embracing Its Mystery + Meditation, August 25th

The Way Forward – Embracing Its Mystery + Meditation, August 25th

Have you visited that still point within to ponder and see where and how you are to take the next step.

Are you ready to embrace stillness and harmony as we move through this period of endings, relationships, friendships, jobs and your way of life.

We are beings of Light, are we ready to embrace Joy as we walk and make our life a living prayer, a life lived to the fullest.

In this world of change, are we ready to stand up and embrace freedom, human rights and the fact that you are a multi dimensional being and much more.

Ask yourself are you ready to collect and embrace all those scattered parts of you as you embrace fully the energy of the Golden Flame that resides within you.

Are you ready to accept all of you and wear your mantle, holy headdress as you take up your holy staff and walk the pathway of the heart
knowing that all are connected to that the divine spark within.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday August 25th as you join with our spiritual community, The Village at Montrose, a place of inspiration and empowerment opening us up to the beauty of who we are as we walk the pathway of the heart. 

Blessings, love and light, 


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The Way Forward – Embracing Its Mystery + Meditation, August 25th

Listen to an audio recording of this telecall with Finbarr Ross from August 25 2021: