The Power of the Heart - Compassion Practices and Stories from around the World.

The Power of the Heart - Compassion Practices and Stories from around the World.

The Power of the Heart - Compassion Practices and

Stories from around the world.

In the Ancient World, the heart was the seat of consciousness, not the head. Our hearts are incredibly powerful. They have the capacity to transmit compassion, love, and deep healing through powerful vibrational fields. Did you know that the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, and it's electromagnetic energy field is 5000 times greater than the brain's? (The Heartmath Institute)

Throughout all spiritual traditions, the Power of the Heart and Compassion are emphasized as elevated ways of being, helping others and ourselves achieve higher frequencies. How can these teachings serve us now in this time of Ascension? What practices and tools can we use to bring ourselves into the ultimate field of awareness - in fact the Ultimate Spiritual Tool?

Come join our circle of Hearts and be inspired by modern and ancient stories from around the world which will assist us in embodying true compassion for ourselves and others.

Much love, many blessings,
