Overcoming all Obstacles + Meditation Nov 24th

Overcoming all Obstacles + Meditation Nov 24th

Based on my book Sacred Mystical Journeys we will have an interactive evening of questions and answers. This evening is based on requests for me to share and talk about my life and my book. If you have any questions please bring them, as this allows great wisdom to emerge. Join us for Overcoming all Obstacles + Meditation November 24th.

I will share with you a way to overcome moments that feel challenging, divisive, unsettling resulting in you getting to know who you are. How to bounce back as we quest through my souls adventure in this lifetime.

We will look at cracking the ego and how I moved through this which opened up for me living with inner divine wisdom. Meeting myself for the first time allowed me to see my wholeness and to stop looking at myself as wounded or damaged.

The beautiful gifts that appeared in my life as I connected with Mother Mary, Masters and many other beings of Light which helped me build a foundation, a foundation which is stable an allows me to move through the challenges of our world today.

My book Sacred Mystical Journey is the foundation of my life’s work, a journey where my soul took me on a vision quest to meet myself. Each step led me to who I am today. It is about steep climbs and sheer falls.  My desire to share it with you is to encourage you to trust that there is a benevolent power always watching over you. Even when you feel lost, abandoned and hopeless, know that you are not alone.

Now that we are at a time of Thanksgiving I am offering a special on my book between now and December 31st. for US delivery other countries contact me for my special price.

1 – 3 books  $17.95 each including shipping a 10% discount

4 – 10 books  $16.96 each with free shipping.

To order at this special Thanksgiving rate follow the link to custom order and you may pay through PayPal, Credit or Debit card https://sacredmysticaljourney.com/payment/

If you desire to pay by check please make check payable to Finbarr Ross and mail to PO Box 1269, Montrose, Colorado 81402

I look forward to seeing  you Wednesday November 24th as you join with our spiritual community, The Village at Montrose, a place of inspiration and empowerment  opening us up to the beauty of who we are as we walk the pathway of the heart.

Blessings, love and light,


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Overcoming all Obstacles + Golden Flame of
Illumination Meditation, November 24th

Listen to an audio recording of this telecall with Finbarr Ross from November 24, 2021: