November Full Moon Meditation

November Full Moon Meditation

Here we are at this crucial time in history as we embrace the energy of the fifth step in each person’s ascension into the 5th dimension of which there are 13 steps which each human must walk through.

This year of 2016 we are Awakening to Clarity which is asking us to look at our shadow which each of us have. We are being asked to embrace and heal our shadow to walk the Pathway of the Heart without fear, judgement or prejudice; to look at our dweller on the threshold which stands at the doorway of our souls.

Now is the time for those of us on the spiritual path to be, to embrace our divinity and Oneness.

We are being asked to birth and embrace within ourselves the second coming to be unified in our consciousness. To be in right human relationships with all peoples. To embrace the energy of goodwill towards all men/women irrespective of their race or creed. We are the builders of the new dawn, it has taken 2000 years of gestation to get us here now it is for each of us to embrace its birth with love.

It is the duty of all spiritual people of goodwill to stay outside the box remembering that we are the builders of the new dawn and not get drawn in to the drama. Sharing and cooperation must be taught instead of greed and competition. It will be through the steady, consistent and lovingly organized work of spiritual people of goodwill everywhere throughout the world that world unity will be brought about free from the imperialism of the unholy trinity.

So let us join together in meditation at the full moon and use the energy of the Threefold Golden Flame to take us deeper into the 5th dimension and the age of the water bearer.

Blessings, love and peace,


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