My Beloved Cyprus and Aphrodite

My Beloved Cyprus and Aphrodite

My Beloved Cyprus and Aphrodite

Written on October 26th, ten days after I returned from Cyprus

Aphrodite is so much with me this morning that I feel like my heart will burst. In a moment of meditation, I was back in the waters at her Rock, with my feet in the water, and my hand on her Rock, with the waves coming in again and again, sometimes coming up to my knees and sometimes lapping around my ankles. I felt like the water was kissing my feet, then my ankles then teasing me as it rose up my calves. I felt that absolute joy in life, the ecstasy of the waves dancing around me and infusing me with adoration for life and the life force. For the first time I felt the power and the love energy of life, not a quiet gentle current, but a tsunami of feeling bursting with so much love it couldn’t help but pour out to anyone and everyone, looking for ways to share itself in ways that were so alive , like the love a grandmother would pour over a grandchild that ………..

This is what I felt like

I could feel Aphrodite waking up a deep buried part of my psyche, saying feel, enjoy, go wild, let go of your inhibitions and just feel LIFE, a living, breathing, conscious energy, pour through you. Forget about your age, forget about your weight, forget about wrinkles and sore feet or sore bones. For this moment, get out of your mind and just dance with the Life that pours through you. This is your spirit, your heart, who you are. Forget society and rules and how you are supposed to behave. Connect with Life! Express all of this, dance, sing, experience me and experience the Divine, right here, right now!

Finbarr, that experience set in motion a course of action behind the scenes that would change something in me at a cellular level. There were more encounters that Aphrodite and Cyprus had to give me first, before I returned home and could be fully emerged in the was a process. When I did return, the Universe gave me four days to unpack, do laundry, get groceries etc. and to create a sacred space before it put me through a detox that extended over a week.

I coughed up everything stagnant and putrid out of my lungs, out of my body, and somehow out of my intellect and memory. I purged everything that conditioned my understanding of myself and life, every limited belief I acquired and those that others and society had put on me, trying to push down my enthusiasm and love of myself and what natural emotions flow through me. And yet, through it all I felt loved and protected and supported as if I could hear Aphrodite saying, don’t stop now. There is more to let go of.

All of that part of my cleansing ended this morning, and I feel so very different. Today is the first day I have felt that vibrant Life course through my veins. There is a lightness to me that wasn’t there before this trip, that I haven’t felt in years. I don’t know how else to describe what a profound difference this trip and all the experiences that I had did for me. I feel stronger in myself and who I am as part of the Divine Feminine and also softer because of that strength. My arms flow easier and with grace and the way I walk and how my feet touch the earth is more solid but also gentler and more filled with more reverence. For the first time I feel the beauty of God and the Universe and Aphrodite working through me.

I will write more about what I felt in other places we visited as the week continues, but it might be sporadic as I will have company for ten days, Yet as I write this, I can hear Aphrodite whispering in my mind, not to worry. She will give me the right words and create the right opportunities for me to do this.

Finbarr, I am filled with such deep gratitude for you and all you do and this incredible trip. I never could have imagined how it would change me at the very core of my being. I am so grateful. Oh, I can hear Aphrodite saying that the next thing I need to write about is that ritual you allowed me to do at the temple of Dionysius. That was also part of my healing. As I write this, I can see that Aphrodite does not do things in a linear fashion and I think she is teaching me that too. Move to the rhythm of life.

More later - https://sacredmysticaljourneys...

In love and gratitude

Linda from CA