Full Moon + Meditation Golden Flame of Illumination November 8th

Full Moon + Meditation Golden Flame of Illumination November 8th

Scorpio Keynote: “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.” Scorpio is under the influence of incoming energy of Sirius. Those of you who were in Malta and Sicily now understand the significance of Sirius and their seeding of the planet in Malta, Sicily and Sardinia. Sirius is the great star of initiation as it brings forth all the qualities of the second coming that is taking place within each of us awakening the Christ Consciousness or Unified Consciousness to be embodied within each of us.

The keynote for Scorpio on the “reversed wheel” is, “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.” Now is the time for all to realize that we are not being told the truth by our leaders. NOW is the time to speak your truth as you empower yourself as we join together creating one major vibration and frequency as the new dispensation is anchored within humanity and our planet.

Scorpio New Moon had a partial Solar Eclipse and now we are about to participate in a Lunar eclipse on November 8th. Here we utilize the power of collective energy to bring ideas into form bringing forth knowledge, wisdom and new skills which emerge from within.

Scorpio awakens within us change, transitioning and re-orientation. This allows that which has been hidden to now appear and be brought to the surface by means of the experience, challenges, and trials etc which polish us as we awaken through walking the pathway of the heart consciously.

Scorpio is a water sign that has a direct connection to the astral body, the watery “desire body”. Once purged and purified, it becomes an accurate reflector of the intuition represented by the hierarchical ruler of this sign – Mercury. Mercury rules the 4th ray of harmony through conflict – the only ray to pass through Scorpio. The influence of Mercury as it relates to Scorpio and Gemini is to inaugurate the final stages of consciousness which will place the soul within each of us in the place of power, empowerment, sovereignty allowing that of Awakening to Balance manifest in the realm of the soul.

I invite you to embrace love, gratitude, compassion and forgiveness allowing freedom and truth to flow in all aspects of your life and watch the magic happen. I look forward to being with you on Tuesday November 8th as we join with our our global spiritual community, creating a stable energy field emanating from The Village at Montrose out into the world, a place of peace, divine inspirationand empowerment opening us up to the beauty of who we are as we walk the pathway of the heart.

Blessings, love and light,


Full Moon + Meditation Golden Flame of Illumination November 8th