Keynote : “I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.”
Our Super Full Moon on March 28th is the beginning of the new spiritual
year once again, when this annual cycle renews itself in the sign of Aries
– the first of the three annual spiritual festivals!
The full moon in the zodiac sign of Aries determines the date each year of the Easter Festival.
This full moon is opening up and enhancing further the energies birthed at Spring Equinox as we move deeper into the new paradigm, the new dispensation upgrading our energy with an infusion of light as we move through the photon belt. This surge of light that started at the equinox upgrading the Aquarian age energies of freedom, fairness, human rights, equality and social justice. Over the next month we will experience a time of radical change and this continues throughout 2021 with peaks and valleys depending on the planets as they emit vast surges of energy.
It is about us awakening to the power of Self as we embrace our inner wisdom and the Awakened Consciousness of Empowerment in the Now.
“Aries is the place where the initial idea to institute activity takes form. It is the birthplace of ideas, and a true idea is in reality a spiritual impulse taking form—subjective and objective.”
That which is birthed in Aries, finds its results in polar opposite sign Libra. Here is the law of cause and effect – or karma, hence the reason for the exaltation of Saturn the Lord of Karma, in Libra. Therefore, it is important to make sure that ideas bought forth in Aries, have a clear and well defined outline – so that they will have an accurate manifestation in Libra.
Remember that the first sign of the zodiac is Aries is the sign which is host to ray 1 of will – power that pours through to us the rays are extremely active at this time with rays 1 and 7 passing through Aries, are signs ruled at three levels by Mars, Mercury and Uranus. The first ray also passes through Leo and Capricorn, giving it reverence and potential for that ray to be invoked using the Aquarian energy of ray 1 and 7 which are very active in the world right now.
At this full moon we will experience its super powers as the energy, vibration and frequency touches our soul.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 28th.
Blessings, love and light,
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Listen to an audio recording of this telecall with Finbarr Ross from March 28 2021: