Built in the 13th century B.C. Luxor is the home of ancient Thebes and is one of the oldest cities on Earth. It is the etheric home for Master Serapis Bey and is dedicated to Amun (the sun god). This Valley of the Kings is located on The Nile and is also known as "The Place of the First Occasion" where God Amon experienced 're-birth'. This capital of the Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt is known as the City of Immortal Royalty and is dedicated to the rejuvenation of Kingship. With Finbarr Ross you will explore a vast collection of tombs, ancient ruins and monumental statues with ancient carvings, all the while experiencing the incomparable sacred energies. Enjoy the guidance of Sacred Mystical Journeys.
There is much to experience in and around The Temple at Luxor; a place of worship for centuries up to this present day. Enjoy visiting the Papyrus Institute. Walking along The Avenue of Sphinxes one can feel the almost unearthly spirituality. Sense the colossal energy around structures like The Great Colonnade Hall with the lifesize restored Queen Nefertari statue, The Karnak Temple, The Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III and many chapels built by Amenhotep, King Ramses II and King Tut in later years. Like other Egyptian structures, many sacred and highly advanced techniques are used. For example, the architectural technique of 'illusionism', creating 'optics' to convey structures to appear larger; thus more powerful. The Egyptians as a civilization were far beyond!
While staying at the magnificent Sonesta St. George Hotel as a 'landing place' allow Finbarr with his expert staff to guide you off the 'typical path' and through the wonders of Luxor.
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