Your Destiny + Freedom and the Golden Flame of Illumination Meditation April 20th 7:00 PM MST

Your Destiny + Freedom and the Golden Flame of Illumination Meditation April 20th 7:00 PM MST

"Birthing Your Heart's Desire"

Do you know your destiny and freedom brings the birthing of your heart’s desire? Ponder this. Perhaps your life purpose is to train your mind to perceive the infinite possibilities and allow yourself to feel the love that is constantly present and available to you. When you recognize this as your truth, will you engage differently with others and the world about you?

Are you aware that birthing here on earth offers us the opportunity to behave and live from a deep grounded place of love and wisdom. As we embrace all of who we are we find that we live from a place of peace of divine presence and deep love embedded in the golden flame that resides within. We are here to learn from within, to constantly create, manage and rejuvenate the environment in which we live, allowing ourselves not to be affected by circumstances outside of ourselves and outside of our control. Life is about freedom, showing up as love, and allowing ourselves to experience this deeper knowing and understanding.

I invite you to embrace life with love, gratitude, compassion and forgiveness allowing freedom and truth to flow in all aspects of your life and watch the magic happen. I look forward to being with you on Thursday April 20th as we join with our global spiritual community, creating a stable energy field emanating from The Village at Montrose out into the world, a place of peace, divine inspiration and empowerment opening us up to the beauty of who we are as we walk the pathway of the heart.

Blessings, love and light,


Your Destiny + Freedom and the Golden Flame 

of Illumination Meditation 

April 20th 7:00 PM MST