Health and Healing + Meditation Golden Flame of Illumination Wednesday, August 23rd - 7:00 PM MST

Health and Healing + Meditation Golden Flame of Illumination Wednesday, August 23rd - 7:00 PM MST

In our world today the most pressing challenges are around health and healing.

Fear breeds disease and disease breeds fear. Now is the time to look at ourselves and our life and accept responsibility for ourselves and who we are knowing that we are a sovereign nation. We are the creators of our own future.
If we listen to our body it tells us what is out of whack in our life, our frequency, our vibration and where pools of emotional energy are stuck creating dis-ease in our life. Life is asking us to engage with nature allowing the heart and brain to come together in a new way creating awareness that we are all part of the oneness.

Remember when you take a walk in nature you are taking a walk in yourself. You are the breath. By directing the mind to bring attention to the body it allows us to observe what is happening, allowing unification to happen. Now we are being asked to embrace the Light, our truth, our freedom, our independence, our gratitude and the beauty that compassion brings to our life allowing us to embrace right relationship. This allows the mystical marriage of the heart and mind to take place opening us up to the ancient wisdom of the Cosmos awakening us to our divine Self, and our inter-dimensional and multi-dimensional connections.

I invite you to embrace love, gratitude, compassion and forgiveness allowing freedom to flow in all aspects of your life and watch the magic happen. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, August 23th as we join with our our global spiritual community creating a stable energy field emanating from The Village at Montrose, a place of inspiration and empowerment, opening us up to the beauty of who we are as we walk the pathway of the heart.

Blessings, love and light,

Health and Healing + Meditation Golden Flame of Illumination 

Wednesday, August 23rd - 7:00 PM MST