Full Moon Celebration & Meditation - Golden Flame of Illumination October 9th Sunday

Full Moon Celebration & Meditation - Golden Flame of Illumination October 9th Sunday

Libra, the sign of money – exchanges energy or prana. Libra admits the soul into the world center which we call Shamballa, for it is the opposite of Aries which is the place of new beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter, heart and mind, Christ Sophia which first came together in Aries.This balance of the great opposites, spirit and matter, etc, leads to the beautiful world of the soul.

The theme of Libra the Peacemaker is emphasized powerfully in 2022 as awaken to balance being brought to us through revelation.The Libra equinox is where an interlude takes place, as the passage of the sun along the Earth’s ecliptic crosses the celestial equator – announcing the autumn or spring equinox, depending upon the hemisphere in which you reside.

Equal night and day is an apt symbol of the first degree of Libra the Balance. The equinoxes and solstices constitute four important intervals of the year – the cardinal cross of Aries-Libra (equinoxes) and Cancer-Capricorn (solstices) – when important rituals are conducted upon the outer plane and upon the inner planes, we create great magic and transformation.Libra has been called the sign of “No-mans-land” – that neutral space between the warring opposites – where linear, illusory time is transcended, revealing the Eternal Now.

Where the scales are balanced and poised to a point – where decision can be reached – using the judicial mind.Through its esoteric ruler Uranus, Libra presides over relationships between groups, bringing like-minded collectives together in mutual co-operation. Air sign Libra precedes the next air sign Aquarius, ruled by Uranus esoterically, furthering the shared goals of spiritual groups and communities, especially groups of nations.This full moon is opening the gateway for the energies of the Eclipse which is coming our way on October 25th bringing with the many changes that Uranus is hurling at now, deep transformation and awakening asking us to journey within and fully embody our soul.

I invite you to embrace love, gratitude, compassion and forgiveness allowing freedom to flow in all aspects of your life and watch the magic happen. I look forward to being with you on Sunday October 9th as we join with our our global spiritual community, creating a stable energy field emanating from The Village at Montrose out into the world, a place of peace, divine inspiration and empowerment opening us up to the beauty of who we are as we walk the pathway of the heart.

Blessings, love and light,

Full Moon Celebration & Meditation - Golden Flame of Illumination October 9th Sunday