Golden Flame of Illumination

Golden Flame of Illumination is that spark of Awakened Consciousness that resides within our hearts which awakens us to the knowing that we are spiritual beings having a spiritual experience in a human environment. It awakens us to our divinity and to our Oneness. It resides within the chalice of the heart and its holy purpose is to awaken us to our full potential. As we acknowledge this spark of fire of the flame within, it opens up our conscious mind to limitless possibilities. It is the flame of our spiritual bonfire, allowing us to pull in all aspects of ourselves, including our shadow, into our heart to be consumed by the flame. Just as if you put a log on a fire, it burns to ash and the fire burns bright. This is the flame of the true essence of our heart.

It is Golden like the Sun, it illuminates wisdom and love through understanding, perception, discernment, precipitation and comprehension.

The Golden Flame represents Love, Wisdom and Illumination, it beats within our heart and is charged with movement of our evolution and awareness that we are divine beings. It is asking us to go within and connect with the architect of our lifestream to rediscover the joy of living our life according to our own unique pathway and divine essence of our heart. This divine essence is the true Source of all that we are and can be. It takes us more fully into the fifth dimension.

It is bringing us the energies of the new dispensation of the Aquarian Age as we reclaim our divinity as it beats within our heart.


Connecting with the Golden Flame of Illumination

The Golden Flame resides within our heart, in the chalice of our heart. Within this chalice is a pink rose, and out of the beauty of the rose flows the golden flame. As this flame permeates through the cells of our body, we are transformed, as the flame reaches our high heart and travels out the throat chakra, moving upwards to our third eye and then on to our crown chakra, through the flame, illuminating our divine connection out into the cosmos.

Origin of the Golden Flame of Illumination

The Golden Flame has remained dormant for thousands of years, and with the advent of Winter Solstice, 2012, and our Shift into the 5th dimension, the energy of the Golden Flame was awakened. It is a flame of Illumination and Wisdom. It is associated with the second ray of Love-Wisdom. It is the flame that is the energy/vibration behind the 13 steps that humanity and our planet is now going through, culminating with the 13th step at Winter Solstice, 2023 with 2024 being the transition year before we move into a glorious new phase in 2025.

At Winter Solstice, 2018, another aspect of the flame was made known – that of Illumination, making it the flame of love, wisdom, and illumination, and when we connect with the flame, it emanates illumination out into the Cosmos through our crown chakra.

We are each born with the seed of the Golden Flame within our hearts.

The Golden Flames embraces the heart of all mankind.

The Golden Flame reminds us that we are divine spiritual beings having a spiritual experience in a human body.

The Golden Flame of Illumination awakens us to the ancient wisdom and our own Divinity.

The Golden Flame is the flame of Illumination, Love, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Peace. It is the flame of Ascension.

It is for each of us to acknowledge that this seed, this Golden Flame of Illumination is the seed of our Divinity and resides within each of us. It is about love, equality and perception.

The Golden Flame is the totality of our consciousness as we set our intention to reawaken all the attributes of our consciousness – our Unified consciousness – our Christ consciousness. It is the Flame of momentum of movement.