Ann Brown McCullough practices energy healing in many different modalities. She is a Natural Healing Consultant and a practitioner of Healing Touch. Along with energy medicine, she also uses crystals, aromatherapy, music, and vibration to enhance the depth and quality of the healing experience. Ann is certified as a Sixth Sensory Practitioner with Sonia Choquette and an Angel Practitioner with Doreen Virtue with a specialty in oracle card reading.
Ann’s background also includes Yoga as Therapy and Brain Education Leadership. She holds a B.S. in Nursing from Georgetown University with a specialization in Women’s and Children’s Health. She comes with a wide range of specialty practice areas, including supporting mothers, fertility health, women with cancer and women facing the challenges of chronic illness. She also guides women who are facing life transitions. Ann’s therapeutic practice also includes helping families living with children with autism and related spectrum challenges. As the mother of (9) nine, she is happy to offer her experience to others on the parenting journey.